Radicalization, polarization and post-truth Challenges and uncertainties for the rule of law



Democracy, rule of law, polarization, politics, post-truth, radicalization


This article aims to show the consequences of the use of political marketing 3.0 by political parties and leaders in the Rule of Law. All of this is the result of various investigations that analyze different phases of political marketing 3.0. In this case, we would be talking about the fourth phase of the project, which sought to demonstrate that 21st century politics represents a significant challenge to the current Rule of Law, thus compromising objective 16 of the 2030 Agenda, which advocates "Peace, justice and strong institutions." Polarization, populism and post-truth fuel doubts about public institutions, benefiting the "extremes" in the midst of chaos. In addition, it is observed how these political marketing strategies intensify citizen distrust and erode the legitimacy of democratic institutions, creating an environment conducive to manipulation and social control.


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Author Biographies

  • Daniel Sansó-Rubert Pascual, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Profesor del Departamento de Tendencias Sociales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología (UNED). Doctor en Derecho (USC). Acreditado a Prof. Titular de Universidad (ANECA).

  • Raquel Rebeca Cordero Verdugo , Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Profesora Titular en Sociología Aplicada de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Investigadora Principal del Grupo de Conocimiento-Investigación en Problemáticas Sociales de la Universidad Europea de Madrid

  • Antonio Silva Esquinas , Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Profesor Adjunto en Criminología de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Doctor en Antropología Social (UNED). Investigador del Grupo de Conocimiento-Investigación en Problemáticas Sociales de la Universidad Europea de Madrid

  • Jorge R. Pérez Suárez , Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Profesor Titular de Criminología Aplicada a Espacios Digitales de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Investigador del Grupo de Conocimiento-Investigación en Problemáticas Sociales de la Universidad Europea de Madrid.


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How to Cite

“Radicalization, polarization and post-truth Challenges and uncertainties for the rule of law” (2024) Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (26), pp. 262–284. Available at: https://cadernosdedereitoactual.es/index.php/cadernos/article/view/1278 (Accessed: 18 January 2025).