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Author Guidelines


In both research articles, reviews or comments on judgments, the author must indicate:

Title of the work: justified, in bold, font Verdana 14 in the language of the article and always in English.

Name and surname of the author and university (left margin). In a footnote, they should write a brief reference to the biography of the author(s).

Next, a SUMMARY should be indicated followed by a brief SUMMARY of 100-200 words in the language of the paper and always in English, where the most important aspects will be noted, which will allow the reader to have a general understanding of the content of the article. At the end of the SUMMARY, a list of KEY WORDS must be indicated, also in the language in which the article is written and always in English.

As for the body of the work and without prejudice to the above for the title, it should be written in WORD format, letter Verdana 10, single space, normal margins, justified text, with indents and without spaces before and/or after the paragraph. Images, graphics, underlining or similar are not allowed. Any failure to comply with these requirements may result in the return of the item.

As for the length, research articles may not exceed 50 pages, and reviews and sentence comments may not exceed 10 pages.

As regards quotes, they must be referenced in a footnote, in Verdana font, size 9, single spacing and without spaces before and/or after the paragraph. The UNE ISO 690 standard will be followed for the quotations, according to the following examples:

Books: the surname should be cited first, followed by the initial of the name (in capital letters), title of the work in italics (italics in Portuguese), publisher, city, year and page, for example:

MIRANDA GONCALVES, R. El régimen jurídico del Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático: especial referencia al ordenamiento jurídico español, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, São Paulo, 2020, p. 221

Chapters of books: the surname should be cited first, followed by the initial of the name (in capital letters), the title of the chapter in quotation marks, the title of the work in italics (italics in Portuguese), volume or volume, publisher, city, date of publication and page(s), for example:

GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA, E. "El Derecho, la cultura y el libro", in VV.AA. (Lázaro Carreter, F. coord.), La cultura del libro, Pirámide, Madrid, 1983, p. 180.

Articles: last name and first name initial in capital letters, title of the article in quotes, name of the magazine in quotes (italics in Portuguese), number of the magazine, date and page(s), for example:

FERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ, F. "Análisis electoral", Revista de Derecho Constitucional, 55, p.500.

The bibliography at the end of the paper should be done with French indentation (selecting all the bibliography and pressing Control+F).

Authors are reminded that all papers submitted must be original. As a policy for the detection of plagiarism, all articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed in the TURNITIN

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The request has not been published previously neither neither has presented to another magazine.
  • The file send in format WORD
  • The title of the work is: centered, in bold type, Verdana 14 in the language of the article and ALSO in English. 

  • Has indicated a SUMMARY followed of a brief SUMMARY between 100-200 words in the language as it draft the work and always in English in where will aim the most highlighted appearances, that will allow to the reader have a general understanding of the content of the article. At the end of the SUMMARY, there will be that indicate a relation of KEY WORDS, also in the tongue in which draft the article and always in English.
  • Regarding the body of the work yse has written in format WORD, letter Verdana 11, simple space, normal margins, text justified, consangrías and without spaces before and/or after the paragraph. They do not admit images, graphic, underlined or similar. Any incumplimiento of these requirements can suppose the devolución of the article. 

  • Regarding the appointments, will place in a note to the foot of page, letter Times New Roman, tamaño 10. 

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this magazine and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.