Migrants’ human rights in Brazil
state of the art
Human rights, Migrants, Refugees, Stateless persons, State of the artAbstract
The article examines the Brazilian academic production on migrants' human rights, focusing on postgraduate programs in Law. A mapping of available doctoral theses and master's dissertations was conducted using the CAPES (Brazil’s Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) Theses and Dissertations Catalog, employing entries such as “migrants”, “immigrants”, “refugees” and “stateless persons”, associated with “human rights” in the “Law” evaluation area. The state-of-the-art methodology enabled not only data collection but also contextualization and problematization of academic production on the subject. A total of 233 works were analyzed. The results reveal an increase in production in the second half of the 2010s, with emphasis on the Brazilian legal framework regarding migrants’ rights, reflecting a growing engagement in the implementation of these rights at the local level, besides a rise in interest on environmental migrants from 2020 forward.
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