


Despesas, investimentos, benefícios fiscais, deduções à coleta, IRC.


The tax system offers a number of tax benefits in the area of corporate income tax, with the aim of contributing to the development of companies and stimulating the national economy. These tax benefits consist of tax reductions or exemptions, thus reducing the tax burden and stimulating economic activity. These tax benefits are provided for in the Corporate Income Tax Code, the the Tax Benefits Statute and the Investment Tax Code, which include the various types of benefits analysed here, the results of which show real tax savings for companies.


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Author Biography

  • José Campos Amorim, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP)

    Doutorado em Direito Público

    Professor Coordenador de Direito Fiscal no ISCAP


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How to Cite

“Português” (2024) Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (26), pp. 230–245. Available at: https://cadernosdedereitoactual.es/index.php/cadernos/article/view/1273 (Accessed: 18 January 2025).