Abusive clauses and remuneration for non-contractual use of capital – comments against the background of the CJEU judgment of 15 June 2023, C-520/21



remuneration, use of capital, Directive 93/13, abusive clause, foreign currency-linked loan


One of the most important issues that is related to foreign currency-linked loans between banks and consumers is the rules for the settlement of parties in relation to the invalidity of a contract containing prohibited contractual provisions (abusive clauses). This is a problem that affects many European countries, especially those facing a shortage of housing. The CJEU judgment of 15 June 2023, C-520/21, which prejudged the admissibility of claims by both parties to an invalid loan agreement (usually a CHF-linked loan) for contractual abuse, is very relevant here. However, the basic problem is the translation of the CJEU’s position into domestic law, including Polish law, which doesn’t provide for any specific legal regulations concerning the parties' settlements in connection with the invalidity of the agreement, and the existing regulations don’t explicitly provide a basis for pursuing a claim for remuneration for the use of the capital paid under a credit agreement declared invalid due to the use of abusive clauses in it.


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How to Cite

“Abusive clauses and remuneration for non-contractual use of capital – comments against the background of the CJEU judgment of 15 June 2023, C-520/21” (2024) Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (26), pp. 25–40. Available at: https://cadernosdedereitoactual.es/index.php/cadernos/article/view/1265 (Accessed: 8 February 2025).