Dever de análise de questão constitucional levantada pela parte como elemento da jurisdição satisfativa
Controle de constitucionalidade, Jurisdição satisfativa, Função social, Direitos fundamentaisAbstract
The jurisdiction no longer develops a role solely aimed at resolving conflicts. More than that, it works as an element of harmonization and updating of the normative system, a task that is developed from the construction of precedents (legal norm / reasoning) and the very response offered to society (social function of the process). In this context, the parties play a fundamental role in the construction of the judicial decision, including the possibility of presenting a constitutional issue. The issue that raises the issue concerns the power of the judge, when assessing the legal grounds, to dispense with the analysis of the constitutional issue raised by the party, on the grounds that he is satisfied with the other grounds listed in the file. The present work has a problem of discussing the existence of power / duty on the part of the magistrate to speak out on a constitutional issue raised by either party, in the context of diffuse constitutionality control. Methodological procedures include applied research, with a deductive and qualitative approach, based on bibliographic research with doctrinal and jurisprudential basis. It follows that, under an allegation of persuasion, the judge is not allowed to stop appreciating the issue because he considers himself and is ready to judge. This type of conduct is offensive not only to the satisfactory character of the jurisdiction, but also to the judge's own role as guarantor and enforcer of fundamental rights
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