Improper use of consumers' personal data for the development of behavioral advertising on social media
Personal data, Behavioral advertising, Social media, Privacy, LGPDAbstract
The improper use of consumers' personal data for the creation of behavioral advertising on social media has raised concerns about the violation of consumer privacy. This study examines how the collection and use of such data, without the proper consent of users, may infringe upon the principles established by the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). By employing a qualitative approach with a descriptive objective, the research analyzes behavioral advertising practices, their impacts on consumer privacy, and possible regulatory measures to mitigate these abuses. It concludes that, although behavioral advertising can be a promising tool for marketing, it is essential to balance technological innovation with the protection of consumer rights, ensuring a safer and more ethical digital environment, particularly by respecting the Consumer Protection Code (art. 39) and the General Data Protection Law (art. 2º).
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