The use of drones in the investigation of criminal offenses: an analysis regarding the right to privacy
Sociedade de risco. Sistema Penal. Drones. Privacidade. Direito probatório. Segurança pública.Abstract
The criminal system needs updates and adaptations to promote, even partially, the task of containing risks and damages caused in relation to criminal legal assets. To this end, the investigation of facts uses means of proof that are invasive of the right to privacy. The conflict between the right to privacy and the right to produce evidence is not something new in the evidentiary law. Currently, we seek to analyze the topic from the perspective of technical and scientific development. The use of drones in police investigations fits into this context as it is an example of the impact of technological progress in relation to criminal prosecution. It turns out that, in order to maintain the legality of investigative efforts and not incur rights violations, it is necessary to balance the scales between the prohibition of insufficient protection and the prohibition of excess, in observance, notably, of the fundamental rights to security and privacy.
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