The nomophilactic nature of judicial precedents and the "per curiam" model of deliberative and democratic construction of judgments in courts and tribunals
Precedentes., Legitimidade., Per curiam.Abstract
The article deals with the necessary democratic and discursive construction of judicial precedents considering the binding force or nomophilicity that characterizes them. It defends that the interpretation aimed at justification and the argumentation oriented to justification are reciprocally complementary and, united, favor the exercise of deliberation by collegiate judicial bodies. He criticizes the serial trial model, guided by the vote of the rapporteur, which limits the chances for the presentation of new arguments and reduces the breadth of argumentation offered to the construction of a single voice for the Court. He claims that the seriatim model personifies the vote of the panel members, since it understands the judgment as an expression of a score between losers and winners. He suggests the per curiam model, which is more translated by the depersonification of the judges' participation, ensuring the circulation, prospection, and non-circumscription of the discursive procedure, whose purpose is not the rendering of a simple majority decision. On the contrary, it returns to the judgment qualified by the unveiling of meaning, in charge of the new hermeneutics, convergent with the power of the assertive pronouncements, in charge of argumentation, which move to the legitimization of the procedure destined to the formation of the most diverse precedential sources built by the Jurisdiction of the State.
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