Constitutional evolution of the Right to Personal Data Protection in the Brazilian legal system
data protection, fundamental right, constitutional evolutionAbstract
In the information society, data protection received the status of a fundamental right with the promulgation of Constitutional Amendment nº 115/2022. However, in the Brazilian case, this protection did not appear this way from the beginning, but as a right that was initially non-existent or even fragmentary, later being enshrined in the Brazilian constitutional text. Therefore, the object of this study is to investigate how the constitutional protection of personal data protection was treated in the context of the absence of an explicit autonomous fundamental right. To this end, basic, qualitative and descriptive research is used, with the general objective of understanding the evolutionary history of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data in the Brazilian legal system, from its origin associated with other fundamental rights to its positivization with the promulgation of Constitutional Amendment nº 115/2022. The results indicate that data protection was covered by the right to privacy and personality rights based on the dignity of the human person and that, based on the evolution of information and communication technologies, the right to to data protection, which was only expressly inserted in the constitutional text with EC 115/2022.
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