Liability of Public Employee for for Technology Valuation for Transfer from Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions (STI’s) to the Private Sector



Liability, Public Employee, Tecnhology, Innovation, Transference


The research problem of this article lies in the following question: what is the responsibility of the Public Official for the (non)valuation of Intellectual Property intended for transfer from Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Institutions (STI’s) to the private sector? The first section aims to demonstrate the legal regime of the Transfer of Technology from the perspective of the Marco Legal da CT&I (13.243/2016) and the Innovation Law. The second section discusses the problem and the methodological challenges for valuing tangible and intangible assets. Methodological guidelines are presented to assist the valuation procedure. Finally, it analyzes the liability of Public Officials for the Transfer of Intellectual Property between Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Institutions (STI’s) and the private sector, from the perspective of the Administrative Improbity Law (AIL). It is concluded that the Public Official will only be liable in the following situations: I) when technology is transferred without any objective methodological tools for valuation, under the terms of art. 10, I and II, of the AIL; and II) when technology is transferred that is valued at less than the amount obtained, without proper motivation, under the terms of art. 10, I, and IV of the AIL. To this end, the integrated research method associated with the bibliographic research technique is used


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Author Biography

  • Sthéfano Divino, Universidade Federal de Lavras

    Doutor e mestre em Direito Privado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. Professor adjunto de Direito Civil na Universidade Federal de Lavras. Foi Professor Titular I dos Cursos de Direito, Administração e Ciências Contábeis do Centro Universitário de Lavras. Coordenador do Núcleo de Estudos em Direito Privado, Inovação e Tecnologia (NEDIT). Realiza pesquisas na área de Direito Privado e Direito e Tecnologia, com ênfase em teoria geral do direito privado, subjetividade jurídica, privacidade, tratamento de dados e Inteligência Artificial.


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How to Cite

“Liability of Public Employee for for Technology Valuation for Transfer from Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions (STI’s) to the Private Sector” (2024) Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (24), pp. 278–291. Available at: (Accessed: 8 February 2025).