The expression of meaning in criminal law: divergences and similarities between social concepts and the meaningful conception of action



Direito penal. Concepção significativa da ação. Conceitos sociais de ação. Sentido. Significado enquanto uso.


This study aims to examine the differences and similarities in the idea of “meaning” implemented by social theories of action and the meaningful conception of action. Within this context, the foundations of both conceptions were examined and whether the criticisms received by one or the other of the theories can be shared equally between them. The different forms of meaning analysis in criminal law were also presented, related to intentional, objective semantics and meaning as use. The analysis was limited to delving deeper into the writings of two authors who defend social concepts of action, Hans-Heinrich Jescheck and Johannes Wessels, as well as the studies of Tomás Salvador Vives Antón, regarding the significant conception of action. This allowed us to identify substantial divergences between both conceptions and showed that it is a mistake to share criticisms between them.


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How to Cite

Guilherme Henrique Gonçalves (2024) “The expression of meaning in criminal law: divergences and similarities between social concepts and the meaningful conception of action”, Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (23). Available at: (Accessed: 16 May 2024).