Disinformation, digital platforms and digital human rights
Disinformation., Digital Platforms., Digital Human Rights., Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights.Abstract
The article analyzes the legal repercussions of the spread of disinformation practiced through digital platforms in light of the rights and obligations imposed by the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights (IACHR). It also seeks to contextualize the current moment of the Informational Order and its relationship with digital human rights, in order to understand the impacts of disinformation perpetrated through digital platforms as a transnational risk to the IACHR. Finally, solutions are presented to mitigate the negative impact of disinformation on the promotion and guarantee of the human rights set out in the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). A bibliographical and documentary survey is carried out, with emphasis on national and foreign doctrinal, legislative and jurisprudential sources.
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