O estado do conhecimento da regulação dos minérios críticos para transição energética no Brasil
Transição energética, Direito, Estado da arte, Desenvolvimento SustentávelAbstract
The energy transition has become a global priority. Critical minerals play a crucial role in this context. This article aims to explore the existing state of knowledge on mining and energy transition in Brazilian academia, particularly in stricto sensu graduate programs. Using the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Catalog, a mapping of theses and dissertations focused on terms such as "mining law", "regulatory framework", "energy transition", "mining", and "regulation" was conducted, following a methodological protocol inspired by PRISMA. Out of 228 initially identified works, 95 were analyzed and grouped into nine main themes. The study highlighted predominant interest in environmental, technological, regulatory, economic, tax, and social issues. Since 2010, there has been growing concern about the impacts of mining on indigenous communities, underscoring a clear opportunity to advance research on the interactions between mining, energy security, and geopolitics. Regionally, the Southeast leads with 62.11% of publications.
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