The Tecnological advancements and the relativization of time and space:
impacts on the role of law and function of jurists
Technological Advances, Role of Law, Function of Legal ProfessionalsAbstract
This article aims to analyze the challenges posed by new technologies in the 21st century, particularly the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence. The research question is as follows: To what extent do legal pluralism, transnational law, and tools such as Sandbox and LivingLab serve as methodological approaches for legal professionals to engage in concrete analysis of reality and assess the impacts of new technologies? These approaches aim to identify solutions, even if non-legal, to address perceived gaps and promote necessary security for those affected. The article begins by contextualizing the current challenges, which stimulate a shift in human mindset, naturally affecting how we conceive of law. It then explores the necessary redefinitions in this context, examining the impact on the territoriality of law, the role of the state as its creator, and the legal professional as its operator.
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