Challenges of Green Hydrogen Regulation in Brazil and India: A Sustainable Energy Transition?
Hidrogênio Verde, Políticas públicas, Transição energética, Regulação Administrativa, BRICSAbstract
This paper highlights the obstacles faced in regulating green hydrogen in two prominent BRICS members: Brazil and India. The research adopts a deductive approach, employing documentary analysis and historical review. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary literary review and secondary data are used, including normative documents from the countries in question and the European Union, which serves as a precursor in regulating this field. The objective is to point out the state of development of green hydrogen public policies and analyze the regulatory impacts of green hydrogen on the energy transition strategy of Brazil and India. The article is structured into two sections: two of a technical nature and two subsequent sections that address the regulatory aspects of both countries, allowing a comparison of the similarities and antagonisms between them. It is concluded that India and Brazil, as developing countries belonging to the same Economic Block - BRICS, must each build an internal economy based on green hydrogen regarding their socioeconomic context and the aim of achieving their climate goals. The potential benefits of green hydrogen, such as reduced carbon emissions and energy independence, offer a promising future for these nations.
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