Does the Latin world need an argumentative conception of Law?



filosofía del derecho, mundo latino, argumentación, formalismo, autoridad.


In some of his writings, Manuel Atienza advocates for the need to structure a philosophy of law tailored to the Latin world. This would be a normative philosophy of law, inherently argumentative and aimed at enhancing practice through the “pursuit of rights.” My goal in this article is to question this argumentative approach, which is prevalent in a significant part of the Latin world. I focus on Brazil, characterized by a fundamental sociological trait of “cordiality” (which presents challenges to legal adherence), emphasizing the evaluative dimension of law is, in my view, ill-advised. This is because it potentially undermines not only the authority of laws, but also, and especially, the authority of fundamental rights.


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How to Cite

“Does the Latin world need an argumentative conception of Law?” (2024) Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (24), pp. 90–106. Available at: (Accessed: 8 February 2025).