Strategic Financial Law by Fabrício Dantas. Editora D’Plácido, São Paulo, 2022, 452pp. ISBN 978-65-5589-509-4.



Financial Law, Human Rights, Game Theory


This paper aims to present a critical review of the book "Strategic Financial Law", by Fabrício Dantas, published by Editora D'Plácido, São Paulo, 2022, 452pp. The methodology follows the deductive method, describing the main categories of the work and then comparing it to the literature. Thus, to this end, topic 1 introduces the work and its author. Topic 2 describes Fabrício Dantas' strategic financial law thesis, considering its interdisciplinarity with Parsons’ sociological theory, game theory and political science theories. Topic 3 presents the main ideas in each chapter of the book. Topic 4 analyses the book's main thesis, aiming to find convergences, divergences or gaps in relation to the literature. Lastly, the article concludes with final considerations on the relevance and contributions of the book reviewed to the scientific community.


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How to Cite

“ Strategic Financial Law by Fabrício Dantas. Editora D’Plácido, São Paulo, 2022, 452pp. ISBN 978-65-5589-509-4”. (2024) Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (24), pp. 344–353. Available at: (Accessed: 8 February 2025).