Sentencing in the age of artificial intelligence: possibilities, ethical issues, and the intrinsic human nature of the adjudication process


Palabras clave:

Artificial Intelligence; algorithms; Ethics; judicial decision-making; sentencing.


The world's technological advancement in times of big data, machine learning, the ‘Internet of Things’ and artificial intelligence (AI) has been remarkable in recent decades. In the ‘digital era’, technological innovations such as electronic petition systems (PJe, EPROC and PROJUD) are already part of the reality of the Judiciary branch in Brazil. Artificial intelligence systems are also beginning to be developed in many courts. The present study addresses the problem of using AI at sentencing, exploring the potential of algorithms and the main ethical issues involved: fairness, accountability, and transparency. The research problematizes the most common approach found in specialized literature on the subject, according to which the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in sentencing must be measured vis-à-vis decisions traditionally made by human judges. Despite acknowledging that computerized sentences can produce more precise, consistent, and predictable judgments (therefore, more objective), the study argues that sentencing is essentially a human task, involving sensitivity and interpretation. Transforming sentencing into a purely mechanical, even machine-automated task, is to remove its inherently human element.


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Cómo citar

Silveira de Queirós Campos, G. y Bedê Jr., A. (2024) «Sentencing in the age of artificial intelligence: possibilities, ethical issues, and the intrinsic human nature of the adjudication process», Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (23). Disponible en: (Accedido: 29 abril 2024).