Call for Papers, diciembre de 2024


The journal publishes original research articles, comments on judgments and reviews written in Spanish, Galician, English or Portuguese on current legal topics (exceptionally, articles in other languages may be accepted after consultation with the Editorial Board).

In order to guarantee their quality, all papers are selected through a strict process of anonymous peer review.

Dates to be considered for the next issue of the journal:

- Call for papers: 31 May 2023.

- Publication: June 2023.


INFORMATIVE NOTE 1: At the meeting of the Editorial Board (21/06/2018) it was unanimously agreed that, in order to guarantee quality and an excellent scientific level, the minimum biographical profile of all authors for the publication of scientific articles in the journal, has to be that of Master, except in very exceptional circumstances if the Board observes an excellent scientific quality that deserves its publication due to the importance in the subject. All authors must indicate their biographical profile on the platform. If an author does not indicate his/her background, the article will be automatically excluded.

Articles by Master's students will be accepted provided that the co-author/co-author is a doctor or postdoctoral fellow.

INFORMATIVE NOTE 2: At the Editorial Board meeting (03/12/2020) it was unanimously agreed that all articles submitted must conform to the attached model. You must download this model and send your article adapted to it. Otherwise, your article will be automatically rejected.

Any article that does not conform to the journal's rules may be automatically rejected without deliberation by the reviewers and without the possibility of resubmission to the journal.