In research articles, reviews or commentaries on judgments, the author must indicate:
Title of the work: justified, in bold, Verdana 14 typeface in the language of the article and always in English.
Name and surname of the author and university (left margin). In a footnote, a brief reference to the biography of the author(s) should be included.
Next, a SUMMARY followed by a brief ABSTRACT of 100-200 words in the language in which the work is written, always in English, should be included, in which the most important aspects should be noted, which will allow the reader to have a general understanding of the content of the article. At the end of the SUMMARY, a list of KEY WORDS should be indicated, also in the language in which the article is written and always in English.
As for the body of the paper, and without prejudice to what is stated above for the title, it must be written in WORD format, Verdana 10 font, single spacing, normal margins, justified text, with indentations and without spaces before and/or after the paragraph. Images, graphics, underlining or similar are not allowed. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the article being returned.
In terms of length, research articles may not exceed 50 pages and must be at least 15 pages long, and reviews and judgmental commentaries may not exceed 10 pages and must be at least 5 pages long.
Citations should be referenced in a footnote, in Verdana font, size 9, single-spaced, with no spaces before and/or after the paragraph.
Books: surnames should be cited first, followed by the initial of the first name (in capital letters), title of the work in italics (italics in Portuguese), publisher, city, year and page, for example:
AZNAR GÓMEZ, M.J. La protección Internacional del Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático con especial referencia al caso de España, Ed. Tirant monografías, Valencia, 2004, p. 221.
Book chapters: surnames should be cited first, followed by the initial of the name (in capital letters), title of the chapter in inverted commas, the title of the work in italics (italic in Portuguese), volume or volume, publisher, city, date of publication and page(s), for example:
GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA, E. "El Derecho, la cultura y el libro", in VV.AA. (Lázaro Carreter, F. coord.), La cultura del libro, Pirámide, Madrid, 1983, p. 180.
Articles: surname and first name initial in capital letters, title of the article in inverted commas, name of the journal in inverted commas (italic in Portuguese), number of the journal, date and page(s), for example:
FERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ, F. "Análisis electoral", Revista de Derecho Constitucional, 55, p.500.
The bibliography at the end of the paper should be indented (by selecting the entire bibliography and pressing Control+F).