The side effects of the collaborative economy model in Europe: the self-employed workers


  • Alvaro Javier San Martin Universidad de Leon Universidad de Oxford


The fundamental right to fair working conditions has had a slow influence on the regulatory institutions and it is necessary to demand an immediate regulation on the matter with the advance of the so-called collaborative economy in Europe. The perimeter of this business model is often prone to inequality, which disproportionately affects vulnerable agents such as workers. It is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the responses that European countries give to these threats and the recommendations given by the authors and other international institutions to seek appropriate guidance. The norm that technology evolves faster than the legal systems does not render fundamental rights violations justifiable.


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Cómo citar

San Martin, A. J. (2019) «The side effects of the collaborative economy model in Europe: the self-employed workers», Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (12), pp. 40–56. Disponible en: (Accedido: 8 octubre 2024).