The subsumption in the international criminal case as an interpretative pick: The role of Latin American supreme courts



The analysis that follows presupposes an inevitable selection of judgments, conducted essentially on the basis of their particular contribution to the interpretation of the structure typical of international crimes, namely crimes of genocide, forced disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity as a whole. It should be clarified, as a preliminary point, that it will not be limited to some countries of the Latin American continent, nor is it intended to understand them all, as it is beyond the scope of this work to provide a systematic and exhaustive description of the jurisprudence by virtue of a geographical criterion. Instead, we will focus on the various judgments of Supreme Courts which, in dealing with international crimes, offer a particularly significant contribution to their interpretation and definition.


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Cómo citar

liakopoulos, dimitris (2019) «The subsumption in the international criminal case as an interpretative pick: The role of Latin American supreme courts», Cadernos de Dereito Actual, (11), pp. 9–67. Disponible en: (Accedido: 18 septiembre 2024).